IN-PART Now Works with Universities in Every (Easily Habitable) Continent!
This month we welcomed the first South American university to IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration, expanding our network of public research institutes to cover 6 continents, 12 time-zones, and 16 countries! The most recent addition to the platform, the Universidad de los Andes (UANDES), is a non-profit private research university based in Santiago, Chile that was founded in 1989. UANDES boasts two leading research centres that focus on biomedical and applied sciences, and a technology transfer office that was ranked as the #1 TTO in Chile by CORFO in 2016.
This latest expansion of our university network comes only shortly after the introduction of our first African universities: the University of Cape Town, and North-West University’s Innovation Highway (an innovation initiative that represents research being conducted in a number of South African institutes).
In the last year we have had leading universities from around the world joining IN-PART – such as The University of Hong Kong, Queensland University, Osaka University, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Oxford, Yale University, and la SATT AST – further growing our academic network in regions where we have established a strong foundation.

Finding the latest opportunities to collaborate with innovation from academics couldn’t be more simple.
On IN-PART, through our smart-matching algorithms, R&D-driven companies are matched to the most relevant research from our partner universities.
For matches of interest, IN-PART provides a direct introduction to the associated contact at the university for a conversation about routes to collaboration. Access to IN-PART is without cost to companies and there are no downstream success fees claimed from any resulting partnerings. (Registration takes a minute, via:
To enhance and streamline the management of technology portfolios in university TTOs, we recently launched a new dashboard for universities.
In the new dashboard, Technology Managers can submit new technologies directly to our platform, collaborate on drafting and editing technology summaries with colleagues, curate and manage technology portfolios, and print/download bespoke PDF packages of technology summaries.
Learn more in the introductory launch blog from our developer.