6 Ways to Build and Extend Your Network as a Scientific Researcher
Read MoreBig ideas & best practices
Drafting new technology summaries: Best practices and top tips for universities
Technology summaries are crucial for showing the value of your university's research to industry. Learn best practices and top tips here!
Technology Readiness Levels – What are they and why are they important?
Brief exploration of the TRL framework and why you should include it in your non-confidential technology summaries.
Best practices for collaborating with universities: what do industry teams need to know?
Best practices for collaborating with universities when creating a partnership to advance and commercialise research
How to get research patented: a quick guide for academic researchers
Getting research patented can be a daunting process, this blog guides academics through the process using example scenarios at each stage
Top tips for Technology Transfer Office websites
The best practices for TTO websites to aid technology commercialisation processes
6 Ways to Build and Extend Your Network as a Scientific Researcher
A how-to guide for scientific researchers to create and nurture a network
Top tips for writing academic research submissions for Discover
In this blog, our academic liaison officer, Callum Turner, gives best practices for writing academic research submissions for Discover
University-industry matchmaking: how companies and academic institutes find new partners
University-industry matchmaking for companies and academic institutes to find the perfect research partner
University-industry collaboration: A glossary of terms
A glossary of frequently used phrases relating to university-industry collaboration, including types of collaboration, funding, stages of development, and intellectual property
Navigating industry partnerships through COVID-19
A webinar summary highlighting the experiences of our panel of tech transfer professionals in navigating industry partnerships throughout the pandemic.
Industry priorities for COVID-19 a year into the pandemic
A summary of industry priorities for COVID-19 R&D from a conversation with three industry professionals at leading bioscience companies
Using real-time analytics and new metrics to increase industry engagement
The key actions from our webinar about how TTO's can use real-time analytics data and metrics to boost industry engagement and inform commercialisation
Why should early career researchers be thinking about commercialisation?
A quick-read guide for why early career researchers should be thinking about university-industry collaboration and some helpful tips to start the journey.
Challenges for university-industry collaboration in 2021: What are technology transfer teams up against?
An overview of the challenges for university-industry collaboration in 2021 based on the responses from our annual survey
Best practices to engage researchers with commercialisation and tech transfer
The key take-homes from our webinar discussion about best practices to engage researchers with commercialisation
Best practices for academic engagement: Q&A with Durham University
A case study in best practices for academic engagement: How Durham University works with other regional institutes to drive commercialisation
Untapped sources of innovation
When it comes to finding the best partners for collaborative R&D, companies relying on established academic networks are missing out on overlooked sources of innovation
Turning introductions into successful university-industry partnerships
From an the early conversation to formalising agreements, we spoke with two tech transfer professionals to ask how they initiate new university-industry partnerships
Why (and how) should academics commercialise research?
Why commercialise research? In short, it can advance discovery in ways that individual academics can’t alone
Communicating science to industry: How to write an effective technology disclosure
Communicating science to industry: Successful commercialisation depends on delivering all the relevant information in an engaging way
A Guide to IP Creation, Exchange and Ownership in University-Industry Collaborations
Guest Article: Dr Barbara Rigby & Phillip Price, UK & European Patent Attorneys at Dehns.