New feature launch: Industry engagement data and real-time metrics

Today we officially launched our new Data Insights dashboard, a tool within our platform that draws together a range of visual analytics, interactive graphs, tables and figures which lay-out university research engagement from our global audience of industry R&D professionals.

We constantly track all of the activity through our online matchmaking platform so that universities can build an accurate picture of every aspect of industry engagement with their technologies – from their initial exposure to an R&D professional, subsequent repeat interactions, and the resulting conversations in the form of introductions and feedback. 

Login to explore the new features and analytics and/or read through for a summary of the updates.


IN-PART Blog - Industry Engagement Data - Insights View 1
Figure 1: A selection of graphs and tables from the Data Insights dashboard.

Access up to date information, anytime

No delays – all industry engagement data is now readily available and updated daily.

Universities that use IN-PART receive “Impact Reports” biannually, which display their industry engagement data through a range of graphs and tables based on the activity tracked through our website. Though useful, beyond the introductions to and feedback from industry received through the platform, this was previously the only opportunity to gain a deeper insight of industry engagement.

Now it is possible to access a variety of different metrics on industry engagement at any time in the Data Insights dashboard. We update this data daily to ensure universities can stay abreast of their latest technology engagement.

Analyse every aspect of industry engagement

From the moment a technology is displayed on IN-PART’s matchmaking platform to the point of university contact with interested companies, each step in this process is visualised and explored through the new dashboard.

Alongside records of introduction requests from industry and feedback on technologies and opportunities, Data Insights provides a range of metrics that illustrate every aspect of industry engagement that technologies receive on IN-PART’s matchmaking platform, such as:

  • Interactive graphs ranking levels of company interest 
  • Timelines of changing company activity on individual technologies
  • Geographic heat maps highlighting the global distribution of activity among our industry network.

Customised presentation and data downloads

The Data Insights dashboard presents industry engagement data in a clear and simple fashion using custom-made, interactive graphs and tables. Universities are given full control to choose what information is displayed and how it is arranged. This includes focusing on individual technologies, or a selected group. Furthermore, the data can be filtered by date to visualise engagement within a specific time frame. 

All of these elements of customisation are shown in the video below.

Interested in accessing the new Data Insights dashboard?

Following successful beta testing in November 2020, the Data Insights dashboard is being launched to all of our subscribed universities today. If you are interested in receiving a full demo of the dashboard, send me an email ( and I’ll coordinate this with our team.

If you’re new to our platform and would like to find out more in general, send a message to Martha, our Business Development Manager and she’ll set up a call.



Written by Stephen Muddimer. Edited and formatted by Alex Stockham and Ruth Kirk.

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2021: ‘New feature launch: Industry engagement data and real-time metrics’

About IN-PART:

We believe brilliant connections can solve real-world problems. We match research pioneers from academia with decision-makers in industry sectors striving for a greater positive impact.

Our goal is to enable connections from around the world to match academic research with industry on a level playing field. Through our intelligent, matchmaking platform we showcase leading university innovations and connect academics with an international community of decision-makers in industry, creating meaningful dialogue and partnership.


IN-PART, a digital partnering platform for university-industry collaboration.

250+ universities and research institutes around the world currently showcase their research and innovation on IN-PART to find new collaboration partners in industry. R&D teams get free access to the platform (create an account here). There are no hidden costs and we don’t claim downstream success fees.

Discover, a bespoke scouting service for open innovation.

Through Discover, corporate R&D teams can leverage our extended academic network, which reaches multiple teams across 1,200+ universities and research institutes worldwide. In response to a specific research requirement or challenge, Discover enables R&D teams to identify new opportunities for commercialisation or to solicit proposals for new research.

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Image credit: Rafael Banha / Unsplash Licence

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