Introducing… IN‑PART’s New Dashboard for Universities

In the 4 years since IN-PART launched, our network of subscribed universities (of which there are now over 118 from 16 countries!) have published over 2,500 technology summaries on the platform. Throughout this period of sustained growth, we’ve asked universities to submit and request amendments to their technologies by email, and received frequent requests for customised PDFs of technologies with the ability to generate entire portfolios at once.

Today, we take a leap forwards in streamlining and enhancing this process. With the launch of our new university dashboard, we’re about to make it even easier for technology transfer professionals around the world to generate content for commercial engagement, collaborate with colleagues, generate customised PDFs and download technology portfolios. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of the three key aspects of the new dashboard: submission, collaboration, and curation.

Interested in being one of the first to use the new dashboard?
Speak with your university liaison at IN-PART, or get in touch to request a demo!

New ways to submit technologies

Submitting content directly to IN-PART is the most important feature of the new dashboard, which is why we’ve built two new ways to get your technologies on the platform.

submission method for dashboard for universities
Upload — Our bulk uploader allows you to upload multiple technologies to IN-PART as PDF or Microsoft Word documents. This process is similar to our traditional email submission process, and as before our team will extract and format the content ready for your approval before publishing.

Technology submission form — We have developed a submission form for drafting technology summaries, based on 4 years of experience since launching IN-PART and feedback from over 4,000 companies. It provides the ideal format, giving the ability to: suggest keywords to aid matchmaking, suggest company leads to jump-start our industry outreach, collaborate with colleagues to draft and revise technology summaries (see below) as well as preview how your technology will look on IN-PART.

Whichever route you take to publish on IN-PART, we’ll be on-hand during the process to make sure that your technologies tick all the boxes to make the biggest impact on our industry community.

All the tools you need to collaborate

dashboard for universities demo gif

First drafts are never finished — that’s why we built the university dashboard with collaboration in mind.

Invite your colleagues — When drafting a technology, you’re able to invite your colleagues to help review and develop the content before submitting for publication on IN-PART.

Track what’s changed — A common pain point we’ve experienced with our email-based submission process is figuring out exactly what changes have been made to the content through revisions by multiple authors. We know how important it is to industry professionals that content is up-to-date with the latest data, developments, and information, so any changes made to an article are now highlighted in the technology editor.

Whether the edits were made by yourself, your colleagues, or IN-PART’s team of science writers through our write-up service, you’ll always be able to see at a glance precisely what’s changed.

Manage your entire technology portfolio

Screenshot of IN-PART's dashboard for universities

Cover page of an IN-PART technology PDF

View, filter, and search all of your technologies — including those which are unpublished.

Curate and manage your portfolios — Using our new Portfolio system, you can group collections of relevant technologies and share them with companies, colleagues and prepare selections for attending events. You can even download full portfolios as PDFs with one click!

Real-time editing — You’ll now be able to add and delete technologies from your portfolios at any time, as well as invite colleagues to participate in curating technologies for any given portfolio.

Share your portfolios — With IN-PART’s new PDF generator, your technologies are available to download, print or share online at the click of a button. Each PDF is customised to your university with university branding, a university profile and embedded images and figures.

Coming Soon to the dashboard for universities, IN-PART: Discover – Industry Calls for Opportunities

Discover is IN-PART’s new bespoke technology scouting service for industry. Through Discover, we work closely with companies to identify their specific areas of interest and research challenges, to produce an Industry Call for Opportunities (ICO). Our team proactively reach out to our university network in order to seek out relevant technology, expertise and new research for an ICO.

ICOs will soon be listed exclusively in your university dashboard, and you’ll be able to respond to those wherever you have relevant research and insights to share.

Once a Discover ICO campaign comes to an end, all the responses from our university partners are collated into a bespoke, actionable, and interactive report for the company to review, with IN-PART making the introduction for relevant opportunities.

To learn more, jump to our Discover page or read our press release: Launched! IN-PART: Discover, A Bespoke Technology Scouting Service.

Interested in accessing the new university dashboard?

We’re currently rolling out the dashboard to a select group of universities, with a view to launching fully in March. If you’re interested in getting early access, please reach out to your university liaison at IN-PART or get in touch to request a demo.

Have a question about the new dashboard for universities?
Our university liaison team is always available to help you make the best use of our platform.
For enquiries and more information, send a message to Steve, IN-PART’s University Liaison Manager:

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