On the 23rd of March, we launched a COVID-19 call for research to any academic teams working directly (e.g. prophylactic, therapeutic vaccines, anti-viral drugs, etc.) or indirectly (e.g. protective equipment, diagnostics, respiratory care, etc.) to address the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or to develop treatments for COVID-19.

So far, we’ve received 141 new projects and technologies from universities across 6 continents (Count updated: 20th May 2020). R&D teams in companies across our network have been rapidly reviewing these opportunities. Our team are organising the introductions to set in motion partnering discussions to find routes to commercialisation and deployment.

How to access the call for research responses:

Set up an account and login to our free online matchmaking platform, IN-PART, on which the academic projects/technologies from our call for research are hosted. When you register, our team will contact you to get more information about your specific areas of interests so that we can make sure you’re sent all the projects that align to your interests.

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To help get discoveries and breakthroughs out of the lab and onto the market, we’ve simplified the initial connection between academia and industry.

IN-PART, an online matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.

250+ universities and research institutes around the world currently showcase their research and innovation on IN-PART to find new collaboration partners in industry. R&D teams get free access to the platform (create an account here). There are no hidden costs and we don’t claim downstream fees.

Discover, a bespoke scouting service for open innovation.

Through Discover, corporate R&D teams can leverage our extended academic network, which reaches multiple teams across 1,200+ universities and research institutes worldwide. In response to a specific research requirement or challenge, Discover enables R&D teams to identify new opportunities for commercialisation or to solicit proposals for new research.

Useful COVID-19 resources for R&D-driven companies

AUTM: Daily updates on funding opportunities and new research, treatments, and trials with a focus on the USA.

ResearchProfessional: Daily posts about COVID-19 funder updates with a focus on the EU, UK, and global funding opportunities.

University of Oxford: Daily updates with new research funding and opportunities for academic researchers.

Science|Business: A live blog on the R&D response to COVID-19 with a focus on policy.

CBI: Hosting a variety of opportunities for UK businesses to support combatting coronavirus.

PS – If you have any suggestions to add to the list, send us a tip.


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Blog: ‘COVID-19 Call for Research: Is your company working on solutions or treatments?’

Header image: NCI / Unsplash (CC0)