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In this partnering event with The Institute of Cancer Research, the first part of our partnering events with academia Virtual Series event, we spoke with leading academics about their research and innovations. 

  • Dr Esther Arwert, Functional Tumour Immunology Team Leader | Linkedin
  • Dr Steve Pettitt, Senior Staff Scientist | LinkedIn
  • Dr Erik Wennerberg, Radiation-enhanced Immunotherapy Team Leader | LinkedIn

They each presented their latest technology portfolios of next-generation immuno-oncology research, as well as current opportunities for collaboration with industry partners. View the one-page summary of their presentation via this shareable PDF.

There is still time to request an introduction with our speakers via this form

The Institute of Cancer Research, London, has an unrivalled track record of discovering new cancer drugs and medical technologies. We’re convinced that working in close partnership with industry is essential to take results into the clinic as soon as possible, and ensure their research delivers maximum benefit for cancer patients.


What’s covered in this event? 


  • 00:00 – Introduction to IN-PART
  • 03:35 – Dr Stephen Pettitt: Vaccination against cancer drug resistance
  • 15:44 – Dr Ester Arwert: Increasing the visibility of tumours to the immune system by targeting ERAP1
  • 25:11 – Dr Erik Wennerberg: Evaluation of ART1 as a novel tumour-expressed immune checkpoint
  • 36:04 – Live Q&A
  • 45:46 – Closing remarks


social media flyer for IN-PART's partnering event with The Institute of Cancer Research

More Information:

In a two-part event series, running alongside our latest Global Challenges campaign, we spoke with leading academics and tech transfer leads at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) about their latest research and new partnering opportunities for industry. 

Some of the topics covered in this Partnering event with The Institute of Cancer Research included:

  • The institute’s objectives and offering as an academic partner of choice. 
  • An overview of the latest research being conducted across the institutes and active industry partnering opportunities.
  • A live audience Q&A.
  • The opportunity to be introduced to the speakers and contacts at the institute.

Format + running order overview (50 mins total) 

  • Host introduction (2-3 minutes)
  • Presentations from academic partners (10 minutes per presenter, 30 minutes in total)
  • Live Q&A with the audience (10-15 minutes)
  • Wrap-up and closing remarks (2-3 minutes)

This Partnering event with The Institute of Cancer Research was aimed at:

  • Industry R&D and open/external innovation teams.
  • VC firms looking to invest and partner with academic institutes.
  • Technology transfer, research commercialisation + industry engagement teams


Run in partnership with:

Partnering event with The Institute of Cancer Research

ASTP are Europe’s premier association of knowledge transfer professionals whose work aims to improve the quality of impact that public research has on the economy and society. Learn more.

industry partnering event with MSD

PraxisAuril are a world-leading professional association for
knowledge exchange practitioners, whose network includes 5000+ KE professionals. Learn more.

Labiotech.eu provide the biotech community with current and relevant information about the life sciences industry. They hope that professionals in the industry will collaborate more effectively so they can develop better products that benefit our society. Learn more. 

Partnering event with The Institute of Cancer Research

BIA: The BioIndustry Association (BIA) is the voice of the innovative life sciences and biotech industry, enabling and connecting the UK ecosystem so that businesses can start, grow and deliver world-changing innovation. Learn more.

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2023: ‘Academic partnering event with The Institute of Cancer Research’

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IN-PART develops digital solutions, curated by in-house STEM experts, that simplify the initial connection between decision-makers in academia and industry. Our goal is to help drive impact from research by matching innovation and expertise on a level playing field globally.

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An online matchmaking platform used by 250+ universities and research institutes to connect with industry teams in 6,000+ companies to commercialise academic innovations and expertise that are available and seeking collaboration. 

Discover, a bespoke scouting service for open innovation.

A bespoke scouting platform used by innovation-driven companies to profile the global landscape of academia across an active network of 2,600+ institutes, either through ‘Industry Calls for Opportunities’ or ‘Request for Proposal’ campaigns that find and confirm potential solutions to specific R&D challenges or requirements. 


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