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The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how important university-industry collaboration can be in addressing global challenges. Can these partnerships play an equally important role in finding rapid solutions for other major issues, like the plastics crisis?

This event rounded off our latest Global Challenge campaign focused on sustainable plastics, polymers and alternatives. We spoke to Rachael Rothman, Co-director of the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures, University of Sheffield, Martin Weber, Co-founder of one.five and Andrew Dove, School of Chemistry and Birmingham Plastics Network, University of Birmingham. These leaders from academia and industry discussed how far academia-industry partnership can go to solve the plastics crisis and what else is required to deploy effective solutions.

event 3 panelists-flyer

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Can university-industry partnerships alone find solutions to the plastic pollution crisis
  • What support is needed from the wider ecosystem to develop effective solutions
  • What will the next five years look like for the research ecosystem as we address this issue
  • Can we apply lessons learned from the pandemic to speed up the development of sustainable plastics

See a short highlights clip here: 

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