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In Event 3 of our Virtual Series, we spoke with a mixed-sector panel to discuss the top priorities and challenges within microbiome research that need to be addressed, as well as what their institutes and organisations are doing to create microbiome solutions. 


What’s covered in the event? 

  • 00:00 – Introduction to IN-PART
  • 03:00 – Introduction to the panellists
  • 07:41 – What are your institutes/organisations doing to create microbiome solutions in collaboration with industry/academia?
  • 14:36 – What are the top priorities and challenges within microbiome research that need to be addressed in the next 5 years?
  • 28:21 – How far can academia-industry partnerships go? Are there other system changes that are required (eg. policy, funding, consortia, behaviour change)
  • 43:08 – Live Q&A
  • 53:35 – Closing remarks


Format: Panel discussion followed by live Q&A (~60 minutes)

Our speakers

Moderator | Jim Cornell, Editor in Chief, Labiotech

Jim is Editor in Chief at IN-PART’s partner company Labiotech, the leading online media for the biotech industry in Europe. Jim completed his MSc in Computer Science at the University of London in 1984, and has a plethora of experience writing, editing and taking photographs for magazines and online publications around the world. 


Panellist | Dr. Roberto Zanchi, Head of Business Development and Commercialisation, Quadram Insititute

The Quadram Institute’s mission is to deliver healthier lives through innovation in gut health, microbiology and food. Dr. Zanchi comes to the Quadram from LifeArc, a leading medical research charity, where he was providing end-to-end business development support for the neuroscience portfolio of early drug discovery projects. His background is in molecular and synthetic biology.


Panellist | Dr. Jeremy Everett, Professor of Pharmaceutical Technologies, University of Greenwich (UK)

Jeremy conducts research on metabolic profiling or metabonomics. He is a co-discoverer of pharmacometabonomics, which is the prediction of drug effects prior to dosing via analysis of pre-dose metabolic profiles and elucidated a microbiome effect on drug metabolism in humans. His current work is focused on genotype – metabotype correlations in the areas of obesity and ageing.


Panellist | Isabelle de Cremoux, CEO and Managing Partner of VC Seventure

Isabelle is CEO and Managing Partner of Seventure Partners, one of the European leaders in venture capital investors investing in the life sciences. She was the founder of the Health for Life Capital funds, the two first funds worldwide dedicated to the microbiome, in partnership with Danone and Novartis.

More Information:

We launched our first Global Challenge campaign in the spring of 2020 in response to Covid-19. We are now turning our attention to preventing diseases and improving human health by leveraging the microbiome.

This online red-carpet event will round off our current challenge on the microbiome through a conversation with experts from academia and industry. This live online event will seek to establish how far partnerships can go to treat disease and improve health by leveraging the microbiome, and what other system changes are required to bring effective microbiome treatments from bench to bedside.

Some of the topics covered will include:

  • Can academia-industry partnerships alone find microbiome solutions to prevent disease?
  • What support is needed from the wider ecosystem to develop effective solutions?
  • What will the next five years look like for the microbiome research ecosystem?

Run in partnership with: 

ASTP are Europe’s premier association of knowledge transfer professionals whose work aims to improve the quality of impact that public research has on the economy and society. Learn more.

PraxisAuril are a world-leading professional association for knowledge exchange practitioners, whose network includes 5000+ KE professionals. Learn more.

What is IN-PART?

IN-PART develops digital solutions, curated by in-house STEM experts, that simplify the initial connection between decision-makers in academia and industry. Our goal is to help drive impact from research by matching innovation and expertise on a level playing field globally.

Connect, a digital partnering platform for university-industry collaboration.

An online matchmaking platform used by 250+ universities and research institutes to connect with industry teams in 6,000+ companies to commercialise academic innovations and expertise that are available and seeking collaboration. 

Discover, a bespoke scouting service for open innovation.

A bespoke scouting platform used by innovation-driven companies to profile the global landscape of academia across an active network of 2,400+ institutes, either through ‘Industry Calls for Opportunities’ or ‘Request for Proposal’ campaigns that find and confirm potential solutions to specific R&D challenges or requirements. 

IN-PART Virtual series - successfully leverage the microbiome - header image

Image credit: Kateryna_Kon / AdobeStock

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