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In the sixth and final event of our latest Virtual Series, we spoke with three leading rare disease academics from UCLA, University of Birmingham, and LMU Munich.

This live virtual event was an opportunity to partner with world-leading academics and find out about their new and unsurfaced rare disease research, and approach to partnering with teams in industry R&D. 

What to expect from this event recording:

  • The institute’s objectives and offering as an academic partner of choice. 
  • An overview of the latest rare disease research being conducted across the institutes and active industry partnering opportunities.
  • A live audience Q&A.
  • The opportunity to be introduced to the academic speakers.

Format: 10-minute presentations from each academic followed by live Q&A (~60 minutes)

  • 02:05 – Introduction to IN-PART
  • 04:11 – Dr. Stanley F Nelson, UCLA
  • 16:58 – Professor Christoph Klein, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital at LMU Munich
  • 30:23 – Professor Timothy Barrett, The Centre for Rare Disease Studies Birmingham
  • 41:42 – Q&A
  • 52:30.25 – Final Comments

This event was part of our most recent Global Challenge surfacing the next generation of rare disease research and assets, which closed for submissions on Tuesday, 11th July. To browse the opportunities submitted from academia and biotechs, you can browse them on our matchmaking platform.

About the panellists: 

Dr. Stanley F. Nelson, Director of the California Center For Rare Diseases at UCLA
Prof. Nelson attended the University of Michigan and obtained a BS degree in Physics in 1982. In 2014, he initiated with others, the Undiagnosed Diseases Network UCLA Clinical Site to improve diagnoses of individuals with difficult-to-diagnose genetic disorders.  His laboratory continues to develop and use genomic technology to pursue biological insights that lead to new therapeutic interventions in humans. 

Professor Christoph Klein, Director at the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Christoph Klein studied Medicine and Philosophy at the Universities of Ulm and Munich before eventually undertaking a PhD in Immunology in 2000. Klein co-founded the international Care-for-Rare Foundation for children with rare diseases and leads the Klein lab whose mission is to understand the basic principles of the blood and immune system by studying human patients with rare inherited disorders. 

Professor Timothy Barrett, Director of the Centre for Rare Disease Studies Birmingham
Timothy Barrett is Leonard Parsons Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health in the Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences. Timothy is also the Director of the Centre for Rare Disease Studies (CRDS) Birmingham, a Research Director for the Central and South Genome Medicine Service Alliance, and co-leads the Genomics England Clinical Interpretation Partnership (paediatrics).


Run in partnership with:

industry partnering event with MSD

ASTP are Europe’s premier association of knowledge transfer professionals whose work aims to improve the quality of impact that public research has on the economy and society. Learn more.

industry partnering event with MSD

PraxisAuril are a world-leading professional association for knowledge exchange practitioners, whose network includes 5000+ KE professionals. Learn more.

Labiotech.eu provide the biotech community with current and relevant information about the life sciences industry. They hope that professionals in the industry will collaborate more effectively so they can develop better products that benefit our society. Learn more. 

BIA: The BioIndustry Association (BIA) is the voice of the innovative life sciences and biotech industry, enabling and connecting the UK ecosystem so that businesses can start, grow and deliver world-changing innovation. Learn more. BIA’s Rare Disease Industry Group (RDIG) represents a group of innovative bioscience companies that specialise in treatments for rare and ultra-rare diseases. Learn more. 


Healx is a global AI-powered techbio company redesigning drug discovery to develop treatments for rare diseases at scale. Learn more

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2023: ‘Partner with world-leading academics on new and unsurfaced rare disease research’

What is IN-PART?

IN-PART develops digital solutions, curated by in-house STEM experts, that simplify the initial connection between decision-makers in academia and industry. Our goal is to help drive impact from research by matching innovation and expertise on a level playing field globally.

Connect, a digital partnering platform for university-industry collaboration.

An online matchmaking platform used by 250+ universities and research institutes to connect with industry teams in 6,000+ companies to commercialise academic innovations and expertise that are available and seeking collaboration. 

Discover, a bespoke scouting service for open innovation.

A bespoke scouting platform used by innovation-driven companies to profile the global landscape of academia across an active network of 2,600+ institutes, either through ‘Industry Calls for Opportunities’ or ‘Request for Proposal’ campaigns that find and confirm potential solutions to specific R&D challenges or requirements. 




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