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In this online partnering event, open innovation leads from PepsiCo presented their academic partnering requirements and funding opportunities for two live Discover campaigns.

PepsiCo is now running two separate Discover campaigns with IN-PART:

  1. ICO (industry call for opportunities): Novel encapsulation technologies for various functional (and other) ingredients in a beverage system
  2. ICO: Novel technologies that will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during packaging production or over the entire lifecycle of PET bottles, aluminium cans, and glass packaging.

What’s covered in this event?

  • 00:00 – Introduction to the event from IN-PART
  • 02:01 – Introduction to PepsiCo
  • 03:37 – Introduction to ‘PepsiCo positive’ and the external team
  • 06:20 – Encapsulation technologies for beverage ingredients
  • 11:29 – Novel technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during packaging production
  • 15:44 – Live Q&A
  • 30:19 – Closing remarks

Some of the topics covered in this online event include:

  • The research/technology/expertise PepsiCo is looking to provide funding for through Discover campaigns
  • Preferred approaches to partnering with academic research and expertise
  • Types of opportunity (eg. technologies, spin-outs, consultancy) that are most valuable for PepsiCo

Who should watch?

  • Technology transfer, research commercialisation
  • Industry engagement teams 
  • Academic researchers

Also suitable for:

  • Industry R&D and open/external innovation teams

Who we were in conversation with:

Dr. Sameer Talsania | Director, R&D External Innovation at PepsiCo

Dr. Talsania is a global R&D leader with 20+ years of professional experience across diverse industries including: FMCG/CPG (consumer packaged goods) – confectionery, food & beverage, and materials – packaging, polymers, coatings, glass & chemicals. His expertise lies in open innovation & strategic partnerships to deliver breakthrough innovation.

What is IN-PART?

IN-PART develops digital solutions, curated by in-house STEM experts, that simplify the initial connection between decision-makers in academia and industry. Our goal is to help drive impact from research by matching innovation and expertise on a level playing field globally.

Connect, a digital partnering platform for university-industry collaboration.

An online matchmaking platform used by 250+ universities and research institutes to connect with industry teams in 6,000+ companies to commercialise academic innovations and expertise that are available and seeking collaboration. 

Discover, a bespoke scouting service for open innovation.

A bespoke scouting platform used by innovation-driven companies to profile the global landscape of academia across an active network of 2,400+ institutes, either through ‘Industry Calls for Opportunities’ or ‘Request for Proposal’ campaigns that find and confirm potential solutions to specific R&D challenges or requirements. 

Run in partnership with:


PepsiCo logo

PepsiCo’s  global R&D, actively scouts, identifies and develops strategic partnerships with external collaborators. Their goal is to locate key external insights, business models, technical unlocks, and new capabilities that, when partnered with their robust R&D expertise, will yield disruptive innovation in their core products and will create new and emerging products.

IN-PART Webinar - Partner with PepsiCo - Header image

Image credit: ian dooley / Unsplash License

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