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Part three of four of our industry exposition took place on Wednesday 24th November, when we met with Dr Jan Sueltemeyer, who is Global Head of Innovation & Sustainability at Avient Corporation. The company creates specialised and sustainable materials that enhance performance and are better for the environment. Dr Sültemeyer’s presentation focussed on Avient’s external innovation priorities with regard to mechanical recycling of plastics, including a useful breakdown of the solutions they are seeking from researchers in this area. 

The aim of this event, which is part of our Global Challenge campaign on sustainable plastics, polymers and alternatives, was to uncover Avient’s top research priorities within the sustainable plastics space and what they are searching for from new academic partners. 

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Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed, IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2021: ‘Global Challenge Virtual Event Series: In conversation with Avient’

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