Success Profile: Fox Chase Cancer Centre

Fox Chase Cancer Centre, one of the leading cancer research and treatment centres in the United States, joined IN-PART in July 2017. Over the past year, innovation developed by researchers at the institute has been matched to a number of new industry partners from IN-PART’s global network of R&D decision makers. Tatiana Venkova, Licensing Associate, shared with us her thoughts on the platform:

IN-PART is our gateway to the universe of industry collaborations, a valuable partner whose contribution goes beyond marketing and facilitating discussions with the right people in industry. IN-PART brings results and has become our strategic (plus not to mention fun) friend on the road of transferring new technologies to the development stage, which is an important step towards the improvement of our overall health and well-being.”

Read more success profiles and case studies of technology transfer partnerships that started through IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2018


Collaboration Case Study Fox Chase Cancer Centre - IN-PART - 1.0_240718-1

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