academia-industry collaboration
6 Ways to Build and Extend Your Network as a Scientific Researcher
A how-to guide for scientific researchers to create and nurture a network
Bayer Consumer Health launch microbiome research call for academics through IN-PART
Microbiome research call for academics launched to find targeted solutions for imbalances in skin, digestive and upper respiratory microbiomes
Top water innovations 2022
Top water innovations 2022: A list of the top 20 submissions to our Global Challenge campaign on water pollution and wastewater management
Top tips for writing academic research submissions for Discover
In this blog, our academic liaison officer, Callum Turner, gives best practices for writing academic research submissions for Discover
University-industry matchmaking: how companies and academic institutes find new partners
University-industry matchmaking for companies and academic institutes to find the perfect research partner
How should academia and industry tackle the plastic pollution crisis?
Lessons from our Global Challenge campaign mobilising the academia-industry ecosystem to tackle plastic pollution
University-industry collaboration: A glossary of terms
A glossary of frequently used phrases relating to university-industry collaboration, including types of collaboration, funding, stages of development, and intellectual property
Will solutions to the plastic crisis come from academia-industry collaboration? (key talking points)
A conversation with three experts from academia and industry to discuss research collaborations and partnerships, and whether they can find solutions to the plastic crisis.
22 top innovations for 2022, selected by the global R&D community
The results are out! These are the 22 top innovations set to make waves in 2022
IN-PART Global Challenge campaign FAQs
Answers to the most frequently asked questions about our sustainable plastic Global Challenge campaign
IN-PART staff picks: Top chemistry innovations
University Liaison Officer, Joseph Ferner highlights the top 8 chemistry innovations on the platform that have caught his eye
Top Covid-19 innovations 2021: Medical devices and transmission prevention
The top COVID-19 innovations 2021 in medical devices and transmission prevention gathered from our latest open call for research
Top 10 new nanotechnology innovations
A list of the top new nanotechnology innovations viewed most by industry on our matchmaking platform since 2020
Navigating industry partnerships through COVID-19
A webinar summary highlighting the experiences of our panel of tech transfer professionals in navigating industry partnerships throughout the pandemic.
Industry priorities for COVID-19 a year into the pandemic
A summary of industry priorities for COVID-19 R&D from a conversation with three industry professionals at leading bioscience companies
Using real-time analytics and new metrics to increase industry engagement
The key actions from our webinar about how TTO's can use real-time analytics data and metrics to boost industry engagement and inform commercialisation
Why should early career researchers be thinking about commercialisation?
A quick-read guide for why early career researchers should be thinking about university-industry collaboration and some helpful tips to start the journey.
Challenges for university-industry collaboration in 2021: What are technology transfer teams up against?
An overview of the challenges for university-industry collaboration in 2021 based on the responses from our annual survey
New feature launch: Industry engagement data and real-time metrics
Our new Data Insights dashboard puts industry engagement data at the fingertips of the universities and TTOs
Industry engagement metrics: An introduction to the new Data Insights dashboard from our Head of Product
An overview of the product development process of our new Data Insight dashboard as a configurable resource for industry engagement metrics
2020 content highlights: mobilising university-industry collaboration
A centralised archive of stories and developments in our drive towards mobilising university-industry collaboration in 2020
21 top innovations for 2021
A profile of the 21 top innovations for 2021 based on article views from our industry R&D community
Best practices for academic engagement: Q&A with Durham University
A case study in best practices for academic engagement: How Durham University works with other regional institutes to drive commercialisation
UK universities still expect Brexit to impact university-industry collaboration for life science research
IN-PART's annual user survey reveals that academia and industry are split over what impact Brexit will have on university-industry collaboration
Untapped sources of innovation
When it comes to finding the best partners for collaborative R&D, companies relying on established academic networks are missing out on overlooked sources of innovation
Turning introductions into successful university-industry partnerships
From an the early conversation to formalising agreements, we spoke with two tech transfer professionals to ask how they initiate new university-industry partnerships
Why (and how) should academics commercialise research?
Why commercialise research? In short, it can advance discovery in ways that individual academics can’t alone
Communicating science to industry: How to write an effective technology disclosure
Communicating science to industry: Successful commercialisation depends on delivering all the relevant information in an engaging way