Brunel University London & TBG Solutions: Applying for R&D Grant Funding and Hosting Student Placements

Brunel University uses IN-PART to promote their industry partnering opportunities, and in doing so have bolstered relationships with new partners and furthered their students’ potential. Averil Horton, Head of Business Development and Innovation, outlined their experience with IN-PART in finding a new industry partner to collaborate in the development of technologies created by Brunel academics.

Within two months of using IN-PART we received contacts from several companies for our submitted partnering opportunities. In particular, a Derbyshire based SME, TBG Solutions contacted us regarding our Dental Drill Project – ‘A Hybrid Noise Reduction Device for Cancelling High-Frequency Sound’.”

“We are now building a relationship with TBG Solutions, and are in the process of completing market analysis before submitting an application for a Innovate UK grant. More importantly, connecting with TBG Solutions through IN-PART has enabled us to introduce them to other academics within Brunel University, who are now planning other applications for joint R&D funding on new projects. Further still, our use of IN-PART, and the partnership that has resulted with TBG Solutions, has led to TBG Solutions planning to host some students on industry placements, and shows how much can come from an initial introduction made through IN-PART.”

 “Working with IN-PART has been wholly positive, with access to a broad range of high-level decision makers searching for new partnering opportunities. Likewise, having a reliable contact within IN-PART has made our interaction with industry even easier.”

Read more case studies of collaborations that started through IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.

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