How Kentucky Commercialization Ventures use IN-PART to inform patent decisions, engage academics, and connect with a global industry audience

Kentucky Commercialization Ventures (KCV) is a state-wide innovation engine for Kentucky that was established to spark life-altering change for people, organisations, and communities. KCV uses IN-PART to showcase its innovation to a global network of industry R&D teams with the aim of transforming ideas and research into products for the market. 

We recently spoke with Megan Aanstoos, the Licensing and New Ventures Manager at KCV about the different ways her team uses IN-PART to make decisions on patents, and allocate resources. 

Megan explained how IN-PART has saved the university money when filing for patents, 

IN-PART can be used to test whether there is interest in a particular technology and help to determine geographical filing decisions by using the map to see who has looked at your technology. By marketing during the provisional application stage, it may be easier to close a technology before expending large amounts on PCT or national-stage applications. This could result in recouping the cost of the product with just 2-3 technologies!”

The feedback and interactions with companies have proved invaluable to inventors to “help them to improve their research strategies and optimize funding to prepare a product for going to market.”

Megan went on to highlight a few features of the Discover platform that they use to increase industry engagement,

Our office can develop targeted outreach strategies to innovators in the space, giving them valuable insights into what companies are looking for and helping them connect for partnering or funding”.

Summarising KCV’s experience with the platform, Megan concluded,

For smaller offices or larger offices, IN-PART offers value in a multitude of ways”. 

You can view Kentucky Commercialization Ventures’s full technology portfolio on IN-PART.

Read more case studies of partnerships initiated through IN-PART’s matchmaking platforms for university-industry collaboration.

Written by Khushi Issuar. Edited by Frances Wilkinson. 

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2022: ‘How Kentucky Commercialization Ventures have used IN-PART to increase industry engagement with their innovations’

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We believe brilliant connections can solve real-world problems. We match research pioneers from academia with decision-makers in industry sectors striving for a greater positive impact.

Our goal is to enable connections from around the world to match academic research with industry on a level playing field. Through our intelligent, matchmaking platform we showcase leading university innovations and connect academics with an international community of decision-makers in industry, creating meaningful dialogue and partnership.

Connect, a digital partnering platform for university-industry collaboration.

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Discover, a bespoke scouting platform for open innovation.

With the aim of solving a technical requirement or challenge, Discover enables R&D teams to identify new opportunities for commercialisation or to solicit proposals for new research from our extended academic network, which has confirmed touchpoints in 2,400+ universities and institutes worldwide.

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