University of Ljubljana in promising talks with new connections through IN-PART

The University of Ljubljana (UL) is Slovenia’s oldest higher education and scientific research institution. With an academic community of almost 40,000 students and over 4,000 researchers, UL is recognised for its renowned work in social and natural sciences as well as its technical study programmes, ranking among the top 3% of universities worldwide.

We recently caught up with Simona Rataj, the Head of Department for Strategic Marketing of IPR at the University of Ljubljana, about how IN-PART aids knowledge transfer at the university.

Although a relatively small knowledge transfer office, Simona explained that the team of 8 are dedicated to offering 3 primary services to researchers at UL: identifying and protecting intellectual property, connecting researchers with companies, and supporting the creation of science-based spin-offs. Additionally, the knowledge transfer team connects companies with researchers of particular expertise for development cooperation.

Simona explained how an IN-PART subscription “fits perfectly into the daily work” that her office does. IN-PART has aided in the international promotion of innovative technologies developed at UL and by their researchers, as well as encouraging researchers to tackle industry challenges by applying their projects and expertise to published calls on the platform.

Further to this, Simona shared

the platform enables us to get in touch with companies and their research teams that we would otherwise find difficult to approach”

Simona concluded that

We have received interest in further information from companies. We have met with some online. Although we have not yet signed any contracts with companies from IN-PART, we have received their valuable feedback which will help us in further development and marketing processes.”

You can view the University of Ljubljana’s full technology portfolio on IN-PART.

Read more case studies of partnerships initiated through IN-PART’s matchmaking platforms for university-industry collaboration.

Written by Ella Cliff. Edited by Frances Wilkinson.

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2022: ‘University of Ljubljana in promising talks with new connections through IN-PART

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Image credit: pawel czerwinski / Unsplash License

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