Heriot Watt University: Entering Long-Term Collaboration to Develop Water Treatment Technologies
IN-PART worked with Heriot-Watt University to promote a number of their technologies to R&D focused companies looking to collaborate with universities. After receiving several introduction requests to their six initial submissions, one technology, ‘Safer Water – Polymers for Enhanced Cryptosporidium Recovery’, gained particular interest. Several dialogues were initiated through IN-PART and one company is now looking to establish a long-term collaboration. Robert Goodfellow, Head of Technology Transfer commented:
We submitted our Polymers for Cryptosporidium Binding & Recovery technology to IN-PART looking for partners in water treatment & purification; we were quickly contacted by a multi-national company to begin discussions around water testing products and are now working towards long-term collaboration. IN-PART offered us access to high-level decision makers who showed real interest in early-stage technology from Universities; our discussions provided the basis for long-term collaborations with blue-chip organisations in water treatment and purification.”
“IN-PART was a great success for us, it’s a technology marketing platform that really works and we discovered water treatment partners for our Cryptosporidium technology willing to engage in long-term collaborations with our staff.”
Read more case studies of collaborations that started through IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.
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