How Universidade NOVA de Lisboa use IN-PART’s Tool Kit to improve academic engagement with the TTO

The IN-PART Tool Kit was first launched in August, 2022. The aim of the Tool Kit is to provide a library of resources for both academics and Technology Transfer Offices to help them navigate IN-PART and tech transfer in general, with an emphasis on improving academic engagement with research commercialisation. Some resources are specific to IN-PART, such as flyers outlining what IN-PART is and how academics can engage with Discover, while others, such as articles about improving industry-academia collaborations, are much broader. 

We spoke with Rui Manuel Silva, a Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property Officer at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, an early reviewer of the Tool Kit materials. We asked Rui how his team have been using the Tool Kit resources. Rui explained how the “Articles for TTOs – Writing Effective Technology Summaries” have improved their process for producing new technology summaries:

[The articles] allowed us to ask researchers and/or support staff, in a few sentences, exactly what we need from them, providing them also with examples of effective summaries so that they can learn by watching.”

Rui also highlighted the benefits of other articles, like the glossary in our “Articles for Academics – The Benefits of Engaging with Technology Transfer” section. Rui says the glossary has been a great aid, helping colleagues and researchers to navigate through the lexica of knowledge transfer, which is very useful to those who are new to the field.” 

To date, the most popular resources in the Tool Kit are the flyers and articles for academics.  Designed to educate researchers on the principles of technology transfer and why they should engage with the TTO and IN-PART, these PDFs and links are easily incorporated into existing lines of communication, bolstering your emails, alerts and announcements and improving academic buy-in with the commercialisation process.

If your university has an IN-PART Connect subscription you can access all the materials in the Tool Kit through the link in your university dashboard. The Tool Kit is continually expanding with new resources; if you have an idea for content you’d like added, let us know in our Tool Kit survey.

Read more success profiles and case studies of partnerships initiated through IN-PART’s matchmaking platforms for university-industry collaboration.

View Universidade NOVA de Lisboa’s full technology profile on IN-PART

Written by Leah Nolan. Edited by Dan Judd. 

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2022: ‘Universidade NOVA de Lisboa use Tool Kit to improve academic engagement with the TTO

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IN-PART Case study- Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - header image

Image credit: Maros Misove / Unsplash License

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