North Carolina State University establish 40+ industry connections through IN-PART Connect portal

North Carolina State University conducts research in a variety of sectors, ranging from medical to environmental sciences, to address future global challenges. NC State’s Office of Research and Innovation have been utilising IN-PART’s portal, provided for free as part of their Connect subscription, to build academic relationships and industry collaborations.

The IN-PART portal was introduced as part of the Connect subscription in August 2020 to make it easier for technology transfer offices to promote their portfolios on their own websites. The portal is provided to universities as a unique URL that can be hosted on their site to showcase technologies and is synced in real-time to their portfolio on IN-PART. 

The portal appealed to the Office of Research and Innovation at NC State as their website wasn’t optimised to host technologies and had to be updated by the website manager, making keeping their portfolio up-to-date on a publicly accessible platform an inefficient process. 

Once a disclosure is uploaded to an institute’s IN-PART dashboard, it is automatically posted to the Connect and the portal. This is a function that Jillian True, a licensing analyst at NC State University finds useful, describing the process as “easy, fast, and results in a visually appealing marketing abstract that can be downloaded as a pdf. One of my favorite features is that I simply enter the description of a technology in a text box, click submit, and then a polished flyer is produced. We have received compliments on how great our marketing abstracts look, and if I were to design a flyer for each technology on my own, it would be quite time-consuming.” This function saves her team time on developing resources when they are reaching out to industry R&D teams and is most frequently used to attract new collaborations. 

The Office of Research and Innovation has received 40+ connections through the portal, including opportunities for start-up licences and material transfer agreements. They have shared some tips on how they have used their portal, in addition to adding it to their website, to generate interest from possible partners, Jillian stated that “We also include a link to the portal in our email signatures and business cards. If we’re sharing specific technologies with a potential partner, we’ll share the IN-PART link to the specific technology, or the technology flyer downloaded from IN-PART.”.

True was impressed by how “technologies can be marketed passively to potential partners,” and has seen a great increase in the international interest in their inventions from relevant industry R&D decision-makers who are interested in partnering and creating impact through the portal URL on their website. 

Read more success profiles and case studies of partnerships initiated through IN-PART’s matchmaking platforms for university-industry collaboration.

View North Carolina State University’s full technology profile on IN-PART

Written by Khushi Issuar. Edited by Frances Wilkinson. 

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2022: ‘North Carolina State University establish 40+ industry connections through IN-PART Connect portal’

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Image credit: Risto Kokkonen / Unsplash License

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