Northeastern University: Long-Term Partnership Leading to Multiple Outcomes

Northeastern University Technology Transfer was one of the first US research institutes to join IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration back in 2015. Since then, they have received numerous introductions to world-leading, R&D-intensive companies in the pharma/biotech and engineering industries. Mark Saulich, Senior Commercialization Manager at the Northeastern University Center for Research Innovation (CRI) commented on the success of an introduction to a global pharmaceutical company:

Through IN-PART, we have been able to establish an ongoing relationship with a large multinational pharmaceutical company. While the initial introduction centered on a drug screening platform, those discussions have branched into other areas. We have hosted several members of their team for various meetings and events, and look forward to continuing our relationship as we explore opportunities for collaboration. We consider this to be one of several valuable connections made through IN-PART.”

On the developments resulting from the initial introduction in 2017, Mark previously highlighted how the team at Northeastern CRI explored areas of collaboration beyond the initial focus technology:

 IN-PART helped us to make a connection […] in order to discuss a potential collaboration around a unique drug screening platform. After initial discussions, we hosted several members of their team on our campus. In addition to discussing this specific technology platform, we also engaged in discussions around other opportunities to work together. From these discussions came several action items and we are very excited about the potential of forming a long term, impactful relationship with the company. IN-PART was critical in helping to connect us with the key people to discuss potential collaborations.”

Read more case studies of collaborations that started through IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2018

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Header image background: Ed Uthman / Flickr (CC-BY2.0)

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