How Tech Launch Arizona are using Discover to speak with more industry R&D teams

The team at Tech Launch Arizona (University of Arizona’s tech transfer office), have used IN-PART’s matchmaking platform, Connect, since 2017 to showcase their extensive technology portfolio to a global network of R&D teams. In 2018, Tech Launch Arizona (TLA) started using IN-PART’s Discover platform to submit research projects, academic profiles, and technologies in response to campaigns from leading industry teams searching for specific R&D solutions. Since mid-2020, they have responded to 39 Discover campaigns and started 17 new conversations with industry R&D teams.

We recently spoke to Anne Spieth who is a Marketing Associate at TLA. As well as coordinating technology marketing activities at TLA, Anne handles their office’s response to Discover campaigns. As a Marketing Associate, Anne responds to companies within 48 hours, handing an introduction to the TLA licensing manager to organise a first meeting with the company, and academic where appropriate, to discuss the non-confidential elements of the research project. 

When asked what inspired Tech Launch Arizona to apply for Discover campaigns, Anne said, 

TLA is always interested in the ways we can market our technologies available for licensing. Having a company express what they are seeking, then searching our techs to find anything available that might be a fit is more direct and effective than approaching the company without prior knowledge of their target interests.”

Anne also highlighted some features of the Discover platform that have helped them to connect with industry clients: 

The updates to the Discover platform that IN-PART has rolled out over the past year have been incredibly helpful to TLA’s work to connect technologies with prospective licensees. The platform is now easier to navigate and it’s helpful that the system remembers previously submitted technologies, eliminating re-entry of data. Another helpful development is receiving notifications at each stage of the process, through initial IN-PART review, to being under review by the client, to introduction or a pass.”


You can view the University of Arizona’s full technology portfolio on IN-PART.

Read more success profiles and case studies of partnerships initiated through IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.

Written by Frances Wilkinson. Edited by Alex Stockham. 

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2022: ‘ How the University of Arizona are using Discover to speak with more industry R&D teams’

About IN-PART’s Discover service:

Discover is a bespoke scouting service used by corporate R&D teams to proactively engage over 1,000 universities and research institutions with their search requirements.

IN-PART’s Discover service is used by companies looking to find innovation, expertise and solutions from academia, to either increase or enhance their current services and products, or to find practical solutions to their business and research challenges. So far, Discover has been used by R&D teams in companies across a variety of disciplines, from Murata Manufacturing and leading chemical and gas companies, to global leaders in the life sciences including Bayer, UCB Pharma, Takeda, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Boehringer Ingelheim, Almirall S.A., and Chiesi Pharmaceuticals.

Send a message to our Discover team to arrange an introduction.

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