University of California, Santa Barbara use industry feedback to guide licensing decisions

The University of California, Santa Barbara is a leading research institution who joined IN-PART in 2016. Over the following years, technologies developed by UC Santa Barbara researchers have been matched with individuals across our global R&D network, receiving valuable feedback and introductions from new partners that support the future development of the research.

Alexander Padilla, Marketing Manager for UC Santa Barbara’s Office of Technology & Industry Alliances, highlighted the value of the feedback their technologies have received from IN-PART’s industry network: “I can pass the feedback on to a Licensing Officer who can use the insight to make patent decisions. If we receive feedback from senior industry figures saying a technology doesn’t meet a specific requirement, it is a positive for our office because we can give actionable feedback to the inventors and also make the most of our resources.”

In some cases, researchers have readily available additional information for their technology that can rapidly address any issues raised in industry feedback. “The longer pieces of feedback tend to be really good” Alex explains “We recently received a piece of feedback that pointed out a weakness in the technology which could be completely resolved in a paper that our researchers published.” As well as sharing these extra details with the company in question, this indicates the best information to include in a technology summary to effectively reach the target audience.

You can view University of California, Santa Barbara full technology portfolio on IN-PART.

Read more success profiles and case studies of partnerships initiated through IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.

Written by Stephen Muddimer. Edited by Alex Stockham. Formatting by Frances Wilkinson.

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2021: ‘ University of California, Santa Barbara use industry feedback to guide licensing decisions’

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Image credit: Gilberto Olimpio / Unsplash License

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