University of Essex: Exploring Licensing Options For A Fuzzy Logic Technology

The University of Essex have featured a number of technologies on IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration, which has exposed them to a diverse range of companies seeking new opportunities. Anshu Bansal, Knowledge Exchange Manager at the university, highlights a successful outcome of one of their connections made through IN-PART:

“After posting a fuzzy logic technology on IN-PART, we were pleased to receive an enquiry within a short period of time. The company have since visited our team at the university campus and were impressed with the technology and its potential within their target market. We are currently in progressive discussions about a potential license with the company.”

Read more case studies of collaborations that started through IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2018

University of Essex: Exploring Licensing Options - IN-PART

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