University of Southern Denmark: Using industry feedback and engagement metrics to inform commercialisation

The University of Southern Denmark (SDU), one of the top 50 young universities in the world, joined IN-PART in 2019. Over the past year, technologies developed by SDU researchers have been matched to individuals within our global R&D network, receiving valuable feedback and introductions to new partners to support the future development of the research. Thomas Schmidt, Head of Technology Transfer, shared his experiences of using the platform.

“At SDU, we have been working with IN-PART for a little over a year. We use IN-PART’s online platform to market SDU technologies to potential licensees, and we engage with IN-PART’s network of industry KOLs (key opinion leaders) to refine potential applications and provide technical feedback and suggestions to SDU researchers.”

“We have found two aspects of the collaboration with IN-PART particularly useful for our office.
First, we work with IN-PART’s staff to write up the technology presentations. We can send posters, PDFs, technical briefs, or a number of other formats, to IN-PART and they will help draft a presentation. This is not only a great time saver for us, but it also gives the technology a second look to make sure we are communicating clearly.”

“Second, we get valuable feedback not only on the individual technologies, but also on the portfolio as a whole. This is a valuable piece of information as we fine-tune the portfolio. Below is an example from our 12-month report showing article reads on the published technologies compared to platform and university averages.”

“Next up we will be adding all the relevant spin-outs from the SDU community to provide them with an opportunity for the same great exposure.”

University of Southern Denmark - IN-PART Success Profile - Impact Report Graph

Read more success profiles and case studies of partnerships initiated through IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration.

View the University of Southern Denmark’s technology listings on IN-PART.


IN-PART is an online matchmaking platform that simplifies the initial connection between academia and industry to breakthroughs out of the lab and onto the market.

Launched in 2014, we now work with 230 universities and research institutes worldwide, proactively matching academic research to the most relevant R&D professionals from a network of 5,500+ innovation-driven companies.

Request a demo of our service for universities, or if you’re in a company register for free access.

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd., 2020– ‘Success Profile: University of Southern Denmark’

Header image background: David Clode / Unsplash (CC0)

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